Saturday, September 1, 2007

In the future, will all book launches be in cyberspace?

Here's the press release we're sending out today- enjoy.

And remember, you're welcome to hang around Portable Empire Island in Second Life any time you like... there's usually somebody there to talk to, and some very interesting JVs and co-writes are happening due to relationships formed on the island.

If you're new to Second Life, my buddy Gideon has put together a couple of videos to make it easy for you.

Second Life Easy Instructions 1

Second Life Easy Instructions 2


In the Future, Will All Book Launch Parties Be in Cyberspace?

Pat O'Bryan, best-selling author of Internet marketing books, has invited the entire world to a celebrity studded online party to celebrate the release of "Your Portable Empire -- How To Make Money Anywhere While Doing What You Love", September 4, at "Portable Empire Island" in the online community "Second Life."

Wimberley, TX (PRWEB) September 2, 2007 -- The champagne and cigars will be virtual, but the party will be very real.

On Tuesday, September 4, online marketing expert Pat O'Bryan will host an online party to celebrate the release of his new book, "Your Portable Empire -- How To Make Money Anywhere While Doing What You Love."

I'll be on the island all day, giving away DVDs, CDs and other gifts to the people who make the effort to come to the party.
O'Bryan, a former "broke musician" who has developed a simple seven-step system for making money online, wrote the book to share his Portable Empire System for creating a profitable business you can run from anywhere.

He's holding his party at his Portable Empire Island in the online community, Second Life (

"Since the book is about how to make money from anywhere," he said, "a party you can attend from anywhere seemed like a good idea.

"So many of my friends and clients live internationally, I decided to make the Portable Empire Island available all day on Tuesday, so that we can celebrate together," he continued. "I'll be on the island all day, giving away DVDs, CDs and other gifts to the people who make the effort to come to the party."

There is a lot to celebrate. Dozens of his friends have banded together to create a special bonus program for people who purchase his book from on Tuesday. In what must certainly be a first for the book-publishing industry, each person who registers their receipt at will receive over $10,000 in downloadable bonuses.

"I intend to hit #1 on on Tuesday," said O'Bryan, "to do that you've got to sell a LOT of books. Giving away over ten grand in bonuses to each buyer of a $16 book seemed like it might do the trick."

Joe Sugarman says that Pat's book is "the easy-to-follow instruction manual on how to first discover your niche and then build it into a big enterprise that can run itsemf from almost anywhere ... A great book for anybody serious about a better life."

O'Bryan's book has been called "the most dangerous book ever written," by best-selling author and star of the movie "The Secret," Dr. Joe Vitale. "Dangerous because companies may try to ban it ... If you're working for someone else, he or she may not want to see you reading this book."

To join Pat O'Bryan and his friends, go to and search "places" for "Portable Empire."


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Your Portable Empire- already in the top ten!

on the "Direct Marketing" list.

On 9/4 we're going for number one on the "big" list.

stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Perfect Job For Moms?

To make sure that everybody who can benefit from the book hears about it, I'm doing press releases to segments of the population. Artists, musicians, and now, work-at-home moms.

This one hits on Friday- let me know if you see it!


The Perfect Job For Moms? Author Announces Release of 'Your Portable Empire'

How can mothers create a substantial income and still have time for their families? Author Pat O'Bryan shows how in his new book, ''Your Portable Empire -- How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love''.

Wimberley, TX (PRWEB) August 17, 2007 -- Best-selling author, Pat O'Bryan, says, "the best job for a person with children is no job at all. You need a Portable Empire."

Until now, there were only two choices for parents with children at home: work outside the home and let others raise your children or stay home with the children and do without the income a job can provide.

In his new book, ''Your Portable Empire -- How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love,'' O'Bryan shows the exciting new way to have both time with your family and a substantial income with the Portable Empire System.

Based on a simple seven-step process, the Portable Empire System shows how anyone can set up an online business from anywhere they can find internet access. "In the information age, the real money is in solving problems and delivering the solutions online," he said. "It's the perfect solution for the work-at-home mom, because you can set your own hours, work as much or as little as you like, and create the lifestyle you want in your spare time."

Until now, this system was only available to those who attended his "Your Portable Empire UnSeminars", with tickets going for as high as $5,000.

Now, with the release of ''Your Portable Empire -- How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love'', O'Bryan shows how anyone with a computer can make a living and still have a life.

For additional information on ''Your Portable Empire -- How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love'', contact Pat O'Bryan or visit

About Pat O'Bryan
Three years ago, Pat O'Bryan was a self-described "broke musician," living in a single-wide trailer (until it got repo'd) and driving a Ford truck with a quarter of a million miles on the odometer.
Today, he's a published author with a healthy six-figure income and several successful businesses. He has helped hundreds of people through his Your Portable Empire University, seminars, coaching and mentoring programs, and audio and video training tools.

With his new book, ''Your Portable Empire -- How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love'', he finally reveals that system to the world. It is currently available for pre-order at


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Portable Empire vs The 4-Hour Workweek

Since I'm getting asked this question so often, I'm going to go ahead and post the answer here.

What's the difference between the strategies revealed in "Your Portable Empire," and the system in Tim Ferriss' "The 4 Hour Workweek?"

I'd say the main difference is that "Your Portable Empire" lays out a clear and simple plan for creating an online business that supplies you with multiple streams of passive income. Creating digital information products, gathering a list of buyers, writing compelling sales copy- it's all in the book.

The 4-hour Workweek tells you a lot about how to simplify your life once you've got your business up and running, and has some great tips on travel and outsourcing. I think it's a little facile about how to actually create the income generating business.

Tim says to find a product and use adwords to sell it. This, in my experience, is tougher than it looks. I don't think the average person is going to be able to start and run a profitable business with the info in "The 4-Hour Workweek."

I think you should read both books.

The manuscript for "Your Portable Empire" was completed and delivered to my publisher long before I even heard of "The 4 hour Workweek," and a lot of the book was inspired or harvested from my blogs, which go back to 2004.

I had an advantage over Tim, in that I spent most of my life as a broke blues guitarist. I'm 52 years old, and I know a lot about how to fail. I made about $12,000 in 2003. I started my internet marketing business in 2004. By 2005, the business was grossing six figures, and it just keeps growing.

Tim's 29, a Princeton graduate and guest lecturer. He's a remarkably talented guy in many areas.

The reason I say that my years of failure is an advantage is that my experience is more like the average person's experience. I was a broke single parent, and I figured out how to make money from anywhere with just a laptop computer. My book will teach you how to do it, too.

Luckily, I started documenting this journey on my blog at the very beginning. So, when it came time to write a book to show others how I did it, and how they can do it, I was able to look back at the steps I took and show what I did right, and where I screwed up.

Anybody who reads my book and follows the simple steps in my system should be able to "at least" duplicate my success. Chances are, you'll go farther and faster than I did because you don't have to make the mistakes I made. The system works for housewives, corporate refugees, students- technically, you could be homeless and run your Portable Empire from a public library, if you had to.

So, if you want to make money from anywhere doing what you love with only a computer, read my book and take inspired action on what you learn.

Read Tim's book to learn how to outsource the things in your life you don't want to mess with, and how to have adventures in foreign countries.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Best Seller Already!

Check this out!

Your Portable Empire is already in the top 10 in one of its categories!

And it's still three weeks from launch day! Sales Rank: #26,168 in Books (See Bestsellers in Books)

Popular in these categories:
#9 in Books > Business & Investing > Marketing & Sales > Marketing > Direct
#44 in Books > Computers & Internet > Business & Culture > Web Marketing
#71 in Books > Business & Investing > Industries & Professions > E-commerce

Second Salvo

Here's press release #2.

The Last Starving Artist

Wimberley, TX, August 10, 2007—The actor waiting tables. The musician working construction. The writer teaching school. It’s a tough world for artists. And there’s a lot of art not being made because the artists are busy trying to survive.

Until now, the only alternative was to starve, and many artists chose that option- at least for a while. What would happen if starving artists didn’t have to starve, or take a job they didn’t love?

Former struggling blues-guitarist Pat O’Bryan answers that question in his new book, “Your Portable Empire- How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love.”

Mark Joyner, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of “Simpleology” and online marketing pioneer says, "In a sea of snake oil and get-rich-quick nonsense about fast money on the Internet from people who haven't really done it, O'Bryan's book is a ship of sanity to an island of commonsense e-commerce. This works."

Based on a simple 7-step formula, Pat’s book shows how anybody can make money marketing information from anywhere they can find internet access- and these days, that’s just about anywhere.

O'Bryan developed the Portable Empire System while touring with his band. He discovered that once the basic components of his “Portable Empire” were in place, he could run it from castles in Germany, internet cafĂ©’s in Holland, or from the Texas desert.

He tested it on hundreds of clients at his online university and through his coaching and mentoring programs. It's a simple, seven-step program that almost anybody with a computer and Internet access can master quickly. Artists, musicians, housewives and corporate refugees from across the globe are using this system to free themselves completely from the job trap.

The core of the Portable Empire System is the concept, “Every Problem is a Product.” People will pay for information that solves problems, and “Your Portable Empire” teaches how to find those problems, create the solutions, and sell those solutions through a completely automated online system that makes you money while you sleep, while you visit with your friends and family- even while you create art.

So, who is the last starving artist? The last artist to read “Your Portable Empire – How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love.”

For additional information on ''Your Portable Empire -- How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love'', contact Pat O'Bryan or visit

About Pat O'Bryan
Three years ago, Pat O'Bryan was a self-described "broke musician," living in a single-wide trailer (until it got repo'd) and driving a Ford truck with a quarter of a million miles on the odometer.
Today, he's a published author with a healthy six-figure income and several successful businesses. He has helped hundreds of people through his Your Portable Empire University, seminars, coaching and mentoring programs, and audio and video training tools.

With his new book, ''Your Portable Empire -- How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love'', he finally reveals that system to the world. It is currently available for pre-order at

# # #

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The promotion begins

Here's the first press release- goes out internationally on Tuesday.

Let me know if see this anywhere but here!




Pat O’Bryan
Practical Metaphysics, Inc.
Phone: 512-589-9592
Fax: 877.334.5978

The Most Dangerous Book Ever Written?

Wimberley TX --July 3, 2007— What if the only people who applied for a job were people who were passionate about doing that job? What if you could take “making a living” completely off the table, so that nobody ever had to take a job they didn’t love? Would that be dangerous?”

“I hope so,” says Pat O’Bryan, author of Your Portable Empire- How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love.

Has he written the most dangerous book ever?

Best-selling author Dr. Joe Vitale thinks so. When asked about, Pat’s book, Dr. Vitale says, "You're holding the most dangerous book ever written."

"Dangerous because it shows you how to break free."

"Dangerous because companies may try to ban it."

"Dangerous because it's the manual that gets you out of jail and into your own life—a life of freedom where you do what you want, when you want, wherever you want—all while making a good living from wherever you park your seat."

"This is not an exaggeration. It's the truth. If you're working for someone else, he or she may not want to see you reading this book."

What can make a book so dangerous? O’Bryan has developed the “Portable Empire System,” and tested it on hundreds of clients at his online University and through his coaching and mentoring programs. It’s a simple, 7-step program that almost anybody with a computer and internet access can master quickly. Artists, musicians, housewives, and corporate refugees from across the globe are using this system to free themselves completely from the job trap.

Using Pat’s system, his clients have learned to create their own “Portable Empire,” which is a business you can run from anywhere you can find internet access. Today, that’s just about anywhere. With a “Portable Empire,” it’s as easy to make money from castles in Germany and coffee shops in Holland, for example, as it is from your own home.

For additional information on Your Portable Empire- How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love contact Pat O’Bryan or visit

About Pat O’Bryan Three years ago, Pat O’Bryan was a self-described “broke musician,” living in a single-wide trailer (until it got repo’d) and driving a Ford truck with a quarter of a million miles on the odometer.

Today, he’s a published author with a healthy six-figure income and several successful businesses. He has helped hundreds of people through his Your Portable Empire University, seminars, coaching and mentoring programs, and audio and video training tools.

With his new book, Your Portable Empire- How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love, he finally reveals that system to the world.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Very Beginning

right now, the "actual" release date of the book is September 4, 2007.

There's a lot going on backstage. It's hard work starting a revolution, and that's what this book is about. Changing the way the job/income/life equation works.

I'm asking for help.

We're going to do mass e-mailings on the 4th.

Bloggers: mention the title of the book, and link to

Everybody else: i need ideas, action points, etc. how can we work together to get this book into as many minds as possible?

If you've got a list or an audience, contact me at and let's talk. Interviews, articles, etc. I'm ready.